Abstract Algebra and my JavaScript Library “Theory”

I’ve recently revisited abstract algebra, my favorite branch of mathematics. A few years ago I wrote a JavaScript library, “Theory”, which had a handful of math functions including analysis of sets and operations to see if they’re a group, Abelian group, etc.

I’m going to rebrand it with a more unique name, write more group theory functions, and hopefully port it to Java or Python at some point. For now, expanding the JavaScript library is top priority, along with choosing an online source control platform.

“Brave Dungeon” for 3DS

This cheap $5 hack and slash “RPG” provides plenty of fun if you just want to battle monsters and level up while advancing further through five different dungeons. Each floor of each dungeon has a boss to fight. The aesthetics are simple but pleasant, and the controls are very basic since it consists of turn-based battles only. There’s not much beyond that… while you can swap party members there’s really no reason to. There are some cool items that you collect while adventuring, and that’s the main upgrade path for the game. Worth $5 for sure!

Learning Hiragana Online

Duolingo now has Japanese learning for free… I’ve started learning Hiragana on it and it’s fascinating. I debated if I wanted to learn Chinese or Japanese, but I’m quite fascinated by Japanese culture, from anime, to matcha, to sushi, Zen Buddhism (which is Chinese as well I guess) and the countless JRPG games like Final Fantasy – so this choice was a fairly easy one. Somehow I’m starting to just grasp the different characters… interesting that it feels automatic by going through the lessons.