Category Archives: News

Eclipse Should be Number 1

I recently ran across an online ranking of IDEs, and Eclipse is apparently just barely below Visual Studio – you can see the full rankings here:

As much as I love Visual Studio, especially now that it’s free for individuals in its full form, I just appreciate the look, feel, and layout/interface of Eclipse much more. There is some relief in seeing that number 3, Android Studio, has less than half the share of either Visual Studio or Eclipse.

Schecter Guitars Introduces an Intriguing New 7-String Guitar

I don’t personally own any 7-string guitars, but Schecter recently introduced a 7-string electric guitar with fanned frets – what they call multiscale – where the lower strings (low B, low E, etc) are longer than the high strings. This makes all of the frets look crooked or “fanned”.

Very cool – though I would never want a guitar with fanned frets… I can’t imagine it does wonders for muscle memory and navigating a fretboard quickly.

Abstract Algebra and my JavaScript Library “Theory”

I’ve recently revisited abstract algebra, my favorite branch of mathematics. A few years ago I wrote a JavaScript library, “Theory”, which had a handful of math functions including analysis of sets and operations to see if they’re a group, Abelian group, etc.

I’m going to rebrand it with a more unique name, write more group theory functions, and hopefully port it to Java or Python at some point. For now, expanding the JavaScript library is top priority, along with choosing an online source control platform.

Learning Hiragana Online

Duolingo now has Japanese learning for free… I’ve started learning Hiragana on it and it’s fascinating. I debated if I wanted to learn Chinese or Japanese, but I’m quite fascinated by Japanese culture, from anime, to matcha, to sushi, Zen Buddhism (which is Chinese as well I guess) and the countless JRPG games like Final Fantasy – so this choice was a fairly easy one. Somehow I’m starting to just grasp the different characters… interesting that it feels automatic by going through the lessons.

Building a New “Fonte Labs” Site

I’m in the process of creating a new Fonte Labs site, as well as this blog.  While this blog is publicly available, the Fonte Labs site will be offline for a while as I choose which projects will remain available, and as I tune the appearance and functionality of the new site.

I will post a message when “Fonte Labs” and its various projects are once again available.